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Creating Ideal Relationships

Updated: Dec 12, 2021

So the Holidays are upon us, and family relationships are at the fore. The beautiful family Holiday cards hide the family dynamics and we all know that often there is tension, and unique issues between family members despite the love. The Course In Miracles tells us that family members are "life long assignments" meaning that the lessons we have to learn from them keep coming and there is no escaping them until the lesson is done. So how do you be done with this? You can divorce your spouse but you can't do the same to your mother, or your sister. Even when you cut ties you are still plagued by the hurt, the bitterness, and the wounding you feel. Being away from them doesn't heal the pain. So how do we heal the pain, heal the relationship, even if we are not on speaking terms right now, or the issue is too sensitive to talk about and it really won't help to talk anyway? Well, we send love for 30 days to that family member. I have done this practice and can attest to its immense transformative power. So I am sharing this powerful key to your emotional freedom with you now, because sometimes the best way to solve a problem is to stop participating in the problem.

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