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So How do I know which one is best suited to my needs

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique QHHT,

or Rapid Transformational therapy RTT?

RTT: Healing the wounds where they originate, which is most often in childhood.

Honestly often a client would benefit from either. But basically in a nutshell RTT is suited for behaviors. phobias for fears you want to shift. RTT digs in deep into the issue and gives you fully understanding of how it came about and only will deal with that one issue. The rootcause is exposed and the healing tools applied to the emotions that come up. Often the root cause is an incident in your childhood but can also originate at any time in your life if there is a traumatic event. There is inner child healing, reparenting of the inner child, digging out of all the secondary gains involved in why you have kept this condition around so long and so on. Seven to nine tools get applied to the situation. It is well and truly broken down by the end , and the 10-15 min taped reframing recording that you listen to for the next 21 days rewires your brain to think in the new ways that will benefit you and give you what you want from life.

QHHT: Healing body, mind and spirit by speaking to the Higher Self.

QHHT is a zoomed out process by comparison, but it covers a bigger area. We access 1-3 past lives as a way to deepen you, relax you and allow you to feel comfortable talking with your eyes shut, by the time we approach the Higher self the conscious mind is well and truly stepped back and this allows access to the Higher Self. The QHHT sessions are much longer at around 4 hours long but if you ask a client how long did that feel they all say oh I think 30 mins maybe ? an hour? Their perception of time is very different in this brain state. We ask around 10 questions to the Higher self so any question you want, about yourself, your future, your health your happiness, your life purpose, your kids or family members anything you want to know about. We also do a body scan and ask the higher self to give the rootcause of each issue and heal it. These can be surprising connections the subconscious has made between psychological issues and feelings about certain situations and parts of your body where that issue is showing up. Pretty much your physical health mirrors your emotional and spiritual health eventually. You can get away with not dealing with your deep sense of abandonment by your mother say for a few decades or so, but at some point it will show up in your body. Resentment, anger, fear, emotional pain and so on will all show up in the body if held for a long time.

I hope this helps you to understand the difference but at any point if undecided just book a free call with me on the online scheduler. I hope to see you soon.

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